Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Hillside

I just started this one this morning. I haven't took a crack at digital painting in a while so it was fun getting back up to speed. The key to doing one of these babies is to use layers... lots and lots of layers. Not only do I place my sketches in layers as under drawings, I even put my photo reference in layers as well. I'm no master at digital painting, but one of these days I'll have to post a "how-to" on attempting one of these my way... maybe when I'm all grown up! Click image to enlarge.


Rob Tornoe said...

Hey Dan. Welcome to the blog world!

BTW- I got your email; I've just been crushed with work lately. I'm redoing my entire website, so when that happens, all of my videos should work.

Suzanne LeGrand said...

Hey =D.

Cool painting did you use Painter?

I personally don't use alot of layers unless I want certain effects. I like keeping a minimum of 3 so the painting looks more raw.

Daniel Peretti said...

Hey Dan, nice painting. It seems like a mix of impressionistic and crystal clear sections, which I think is really interesting. I always like experimentation.